Regular activities

Art Group

Thursday, 14:00 to 16:00. No meetings in August.
An annual art exhibition is held one Sunday in October.
Contact: Linda Gaskell,  Email:, Tel: 0781 256 7637 .

Craft Group

3rd Tuesday of the month, 14:00 to 16:00.
Contact: Marion Jones Email: Tel: 01665714177.

Dance Fitness

Tuesday 12:00 noon to 13:00. No meetings in August or on bank holidays. For further details see Keep Fit Association .
Contact - Tina Stroud Tel: 01665 712937 Email:


The Hall will occasionally put on dramas from visiting companies.

In addition there is a Warkworth Drama Group. They meet on Fridays 2-4pm for play readings. 
Contact: Secretary Angela Scammell 07712 707558 .

Film Club

We have started a mailing list for those interested in watching films at the Memorial Hall. To be added to this list please email a request to Anna Willey at If you have any questions or suggestions for future film choices please contact Anna on 01665 711341 or at...

History Society

The society was formed in 1994 to bring together local people with an interest in history. Meetings are held from October to May at 7:30 pm.

Live Music Concerts

The Hall runs about 10 music concerts a year. Tickets should be pre-booked for payment on the door (cash only). The hall will normally be laid out in cabaret style, with a bar. Doors and bar open at 7pm, with concerts starting at 7:30pm. In addition the hall is sometimes...

Parish Council

Meets on the first Thursday of the month 18:30 in the British Legion Room. No meeting in August.

Relaxation and De-Stress Group

Meeting on Fridays, 11:00 to 12:00
Contact: Pru Heathcote Email: 

Seated Exercise

Wednesday 12:00 noon to 12:45. No meetings in August or on bank holidays.
Contact - Tina Stroud Tel: 01665 712937 Email: 


First Tuesday of the month at 19:30 in the Hall. No meeting in August.
Contact: Judith Hebron, Email:

W.I. Carpet Bowls

Thursday morning, 10.00 to 11.30 (mid-September to late April) in the Hall.
Contact - Anne Grace. Tel: 01665 714407. 


On hold.