Basic Computer and Internet Support

Various documents are available here to provide basic computer support. The current documents are:

  • Index - An index of documents, i.e. the same as this.
  • Learn My Way Notes - An overview of this on-line self-paced learning system aimed at those struggling with use of computers and smart phones. 
  • TeaNTech - A poster for a weekly technology support session for anyone of 55+ living in Northumberland. This is part of the Elderberries programme at Alnwick Gardens.
  • Chromebook Summary - A write-up for those interested in buying a laptop for basic usage, eg. web browsing, email, video conferencing, .... In addition to Windows and Macintosh systems, it's worth considering a Chromebook.
  • Chromebook Keyboard - The Chromebook keyboard has some significant differences to other systems. This explains the working of the Chromebook keyboard.
  • WWMH Tech Support - A summary of Tech Support at the Memorial Hall.