October 2023 Newsletter

Village Hall Report October 2023 The Village Hall has been busy as usual this past month, the big event being the return of the Annual Make, Bake, Grow and Show which was a huge success despite a little rain, it was a warm day and everyone who attended (well over 300!) thoroughly enjoyed themselves – it was amazing to see so many cars parked as far as the eye could see!

Our regular hall users are all now back after some took a summer break. Why not take a look at the booking calendar to see if there’s anything you’d like to join in with. We have Glow Keep Fit and dance classes on Mondays; Yoga, Seiken Ry Karate and W.I. on Tuesdays; Dancing, Tiny Tip Toes and Bowls on Wednesdays; Scouts and Art Group on Thursdays; Bridge on Fridays and Badminton every Sunday night. We also have Daft Crafters, Clarsach Harp Society, Hardy Plants Society and The Quilters Guild to name but a few.

In addition, we have Coffee Club on the first Wednesday of the month and Stannington Village Hall has now opened the doors to a Warm Space, Soup & Cake Friday lunch. This is held once a fortnight with our first being held on Friday 6th October where heart-warming Tomato & Basil Soup was served with Northumbrian Apple Cake to follow – delicious! The next lunch date will be Friday 20th October, why not pop it in your diary.

You’ll always be given a warm welcome.

Our new ‘Little Library’ seems to be going well, books are coming and going which is just what we hoped for and we’re thinking of having a dedicated ‘Library Day’ when the Hall will be open to come and go as you please to exchange books. Any comments on this subject would be welcomed.

For some time we have been concerned with what was under the stage! How much of it was rubbish, what belonged to who, did we have a mouse problem or any damp? So, a couple of weeks ago a few of the Trustees got together and cleared everything out, threw out any rubbish, allocated space to the Scouts and made space for any other groups who may require storage. A very good job, well done to all who helped. N.B No sign of mice or damp!

We’re looking forward to the Halloween Dance on 28th October with Marty Craggs Little Band Jam – they’ll be performing some great music and many favourites from the Happy Cats and Lindisfarne.

If you have any comments or concerns regarding the Village Hall please contact secretary@stanningtonvillagehall.org in the first instance or pop a note into our letterbox.

For bookings or to check availability simply go to our website.