A new year at our Village Hall sees some very busy Trustees, planning and organising maintenance for the Village Hall. The first visible job to be undertaken will be the exterior walls being cleaned, this will hopefully brighten up the whole place. It will take some time though as the walls can’t be jet washed, a special treatment will be applied which will work over a period of time. We are also having the exterior paintwork done in the Spring which all adds up to a much smarter looking village hall.
Next, we’re planning to paint the interior which will unfortunately mean the Hall closes for a short time but we will give plenty of notice and hopefully do it during the period in August /September when a lot of groups take a break.
Not quite so visible, we’ve recently had all the gutters cleaned and repaired where necessary, the kitchen boiler serviced (and then repaired a couple of weeks after the service!!) The annual fire extinguisher inspection recently took place, all correct and in working order. All emergency lighting has been checked and repaired/replaced where necessary and the five-yearly PAT testing of all electrical equipment was recently completed and all ok. Unfortunately we need to spend about £400 on another asbestos survey/report as the paperwork from the last one which was done about 10 years ago cannot be found! This needs to be done before we can undertake any building work in the Hall.
Friday’s Warm Space Soup & Cake has been extremely well received and enjoyed by all who come along (see picture). Our thanks must go out to the additional soup and cake makers: Joan Manners, Ann Wilson and Rosie Philipson, we’ve all enjoyed making soup and baking cakes, our guests have all been very complimentary. The biggest surprise is how much money we’ve raised simply from donations - £439.53. This will go to the Hall refurbishment fund. Weather depending, the last Soup & Cake day this season will be Friday 1st March.
The Quiz Night held in February raised nearly £600 for VH funds and was a great success. Of course we had a great quiz master in Malcolm Scott and thanks to Sandra and Christine for slaving away in the kitchen, feeding 90 people very quickly and clearing everything away. These nights are so important for the community and just bringing friends together, as one of my friends said afterwards “it’s just so nice to all get together and raise money for a venue we’ve all used so much over the years. There’s a lot of memories in those walls”.
The next VH fundraising event will be The Baldy Holly Band night on Saturday, 4th May, tickets are already disappearing fast so don’t delay, get your tickets today! Contact Malcolm or Christine Scott on 01670 789485
At our last Trustee meeting Richard Philipson resigned due to personal reasons, the Trustees thanked Richard for his service and wished him well.
If you have any comments or concerns regarding the Village Hall please contact secretary@stanningtonvillagehall.org in the first instance or pop a note into our letterbox.
For bookings or to check availability simply go to our website.