We recently held an Open Day as part of Northumberland Village Hall Week organised by CAN (Community Action Northumberland). We were very pleased to welcome 34 interested visitors from the Parish, they were welcomed with refreshments while perusing the accomplishments and plans for the future. It has been very rewarding to see all that we have achieved in our first year, the list is quite long but one or two stand out items such as the new flooring in the Jubilee room, all fire risk assessments/alarms and extinguishers installed, new boiler for the main hall and a more noticeable job was having the exterior walls cleaned. We had before and after pictures taken and as you will see by one of the pics, the difference is remarkable.
The Warm Space Soup & Cake on Friday lunchtimes has been very successful and while we have put the soup pans away for the spring/summer we look forward to starting again in October. In addition to a lovely afternoon it also turned out to be a surprising fundraiser, raising a total of £713.48. We’re hoping to start work on the ‘corridor project’ in the next few months. This will open up a corridor from the existing porch area, creating a route directly into the Jubilee Rooms. When the Hall is busy this will be advantageous for people coming and going and not disturbing other groups. We’re also hoping to install a ramp and auto doors at the main entrance, new bi-fold sound reduction doors in the Jubilee Room and paint the hall throughout. All Grants received and our own fundraising go towards this work. We have recently been awarded £15,000 from the Sir James Knott Trust to go towards improvements which is a
great start.
If you have any comments or concerns regarding the Village Hall please contact secretary@stanningtonvillagehall.org in the first instance or pop a note into our letterbox.For bookings or to check availability simply go to our website.